Registration Now Open for Nutrition Classes I am Teaching in Sept. & Oct.
by Melissa Diane Smith
I am a strong believer in the benefits of lifelong learning and so is Catalina Foothills Community Schools in Tucson. That’s why I have signed on with them to teach two different gluten-free classes in September and a beginning class on GMOs in October, which is Non-GMO Education Month all around the country.
The classes I will be teaching are:
“The Gluten-Free Diet Made Simple”
Thursday, September 8, 2011
6:30-8:30 p.m.
In this class, you’ll learn what gluten is, why eliminating it from the diet has become such a phenomenon, the many health conditions the gluten-free diet improves or alleviates, and how to avoid the most common mistakes made with the gluten-free diet so you can make the diet the most health promoting for you. Register for it.
“Gluten-Free Cooking Made Simple”
Thursday, September 15, 2011
6:30-8:30 p.m.
In this class, you’ll learn how to go against the grain of standard gluten-free cooking, and instead use healthier, easier-to-work-with ingredients for delicious dishes that take less time in the kitchen. Recipes for an easy quinoa dish, a grain-free fruit cobbler, and a homemade energy bar will be provided and the pre-made foods will be sampled in class. Register for it.
*Both of the gluten-free classes above will be similar to the Going Against the Grain Group classes I used to have in Tucson, meetings that attendees loved and that I still get requests for today. The classes won’t cover standard information on the gluten-free diet that you might get from a dietitian but rather will be based on information from my books, the latest information on gluten sensitivity in medical journals that I cover as a journalist, and what I have learned from my more than fifteen years of experience nutritionally counseling clients. Both my gluten-free books, Going Against the Grain and Gluten Free Throughout the Year, will be available for purchase as optional textbooks if desired to continue learning and improving your diet after the classes.
As part of nationwide efforts to raise awareness and help educate the public about the overlooked topic of GMOs in October, I also am offering:
“Do You Know What’s Hidden in Your Food?” – A Primer on GMOs
Thursday, October 20, 2011
6:30-8:00 p.m.
Learn the shocking information about how genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are hidden in many everyday foods, the health risks associated with eating GMOs, and how to avoid them to protect your and your family’s health. Register for it.
If you are new to either the gluten-free diet or the subject of GMOs, or simply want to learn the latest information on these topics to help your health, please sign up and join me for one, two, or all three of these classes. All of them will take place at Catalina Foothills High School, 4300 East Sunrise Drive, in Tucson. Complete information on how to register for the classes by phone, online, in person, or by mail is at Catalina Foothills Community Schools Adult & Family Programs Current Offerings. (Scroll most of the way down the page. The classes I am teaching are the second, third, and fourth listings under the Health heading.)
On the site, be sure to check out other class offerings, too. I personally have taken dance classes from Colleen Avender and Tai Chi class from Elizabeth Reed, which were both helpful to me and enjoyable, so I know there are a lot of worthwhile classes to help improve your life that are offered through this organization.
As kickoffs to the classes, I will be participating in a Wellness Forum at the House One Seminar Room at Catalina Foothills High School, 4300 East Sunrise Drive, on Thursday, September 1, starting at 6:30 p.m., and will also be stopping by a booth set up for Community Schools at the St. Philip’s Farmer’s Market, on the corner of Campbell Ave. and River Road, on Sunday, August 28, between 10:45 and 11:15 a.m. Hope to see you at one of these events or at one of my classes this autumn!
Copyright © 2011 Melissa Diane Smith