Learn about Nutrition for Improved Weight & Health at a Tucson Festival

I am happy to announce that Tucson Meet Yourself Folklife Festival, which has a special Health and Wellness focus this year, has selected me to speak on two different but related topics. My first presentation will be about “Going Against the Grain to Combat Obesity and Diabetes” on Saturday, Oct. 15, 2011, at 3 p.m. The second one, “It’s Gluten Free, but Is It Healthy?” will be the next day, on Sunday, October 16, 2011, at 3 p.m. Both presentations will take place in the lower level of the Joel D. Valdez Main Library at 101 N. Stone Ave. in downtown Tucson and will be followed by book signings of both my books, Going Against the Grain and Gluten Free Throughout the Year, at the Southern Arizona Celiac Support (SACS) booth in the Jacome Plaza that is virtually next door to the library.


Listen In to My Interview on the Buckmaster Show Sept. 29

Thursday, September 29th, 2011
12:30 -12:40 p.m.

KVOI 1030 AM

I was a guest on the Buckmaster radio show with well-known Tucson host Bill Buckmaster explaining how our food has changed with the introduction of GMOs (genetically modified organisms) and genetically modified foods, “The Future of Food” movie showing that the GMO Free Project of Tucson is holding that evening, and our online Eat GMO Free Challenge that starts October 1. Visit the Buckmaster Show website. After the show, listen to the podcast of the program and advance it to 29:11 to listen to the ten-minute interview with me.

To participate in the Eat GMO Free Challenge and learn practical tips on how to slowly but surely take GMOs out of your diet, visit the GMO Free Project of Tucson website every day during the month of October.

Copyright © 2011 Melissa Diane Smith


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