The New Picture of Celiac Disease

Celiac disease was long considered to be a rare condition; characterized by obvious symptoms such as diarrhea, abdominal distention, and failure to thrive; and not common in areas of the Middle East where the domestication and cultivation of wheat began.

Studies in the past several years, including a few new studies, paint a completely different picture.


Higher Plasma Vitamin C LevelsLinked with Lower Diabetes Risk

Higher plasma vitamin C levels, an indicator of a high fruit and vegetable intake, is associated with a substantially decreased risk of type 2 diabetes, according to a European-based study of more than 20,000 middle-aged adults.


Clients Like My Coaching Programs

Yesterday I wrote about scientific research that backs up the effectiveness of the components of my nutrition coaching programs. Today I include testimonials from a few clients who recently completed nutrition coaching programs with me. These clients agree with the science showing that nutrition coaching over the phone is effective for changing longstanding unhealthy eating habits to health-promoting ones!


Telephone Counseling/Coaching Effective At Upping Clients’ Fruit & Vegetable Intake

National and international health organizations advise increasing fruit and vegetable intake to prevent and reduce chronic diseases, such as heart disease, diabetes and cancer. But getting people to change longstanding eating habits that are low in fruits and vegetables is challenging and often ineffective.

Numerous studies show that telephone counseling, especially regular telephone counseling over a concentrated period of several months, is effective at significantly increasing people’s fruit and vegetable intake and improving several health indicators. Ongoing written material and group support also offer positive effects in promoting and sustaining health-promoting eating habits. This research gives scientific justification to the components of my nutrition coaching programs, which have become the fastest-growing and most well-received nutrition services that I offer.



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