Photo Gallery of Resist! & Revitalize Our Communities Summit in Tucson

Enjoy browsing through this photo gallery of the Resist! & Revitalize Our Communities Summit focused on Problem-Solving Monsanto, GMOs, & Pesticides in Our Food and Environment on November 4, 2017, at the Tucson Osteopathic Medical Foundation Conference Center! For a larger image, click on the photo you’d like to see.

I was honored to give the introduction to the summit and to introduce each speaker and panelist. I’m pictured in photos #1, #3, #6, #14, and #15.

Many thanks to: Carey Gillam and Alexis Baden-Mayer for traveling to Tucson to participate in the Summit; to farmer Anne Loftfield of High Energy Agriculture, Jason Isenberg of REALM Environments, and Rick Frey, co-founder of ARBICO Organics for participating in the local panel discussion; to the core group members of Toxin-Free Pima County who planned and worked the event; to the sponsors and supporters of the Summit (see photo #18); and to everyone who attended!

Photos courtesy of photographer Diane Ensign.

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